the more things change the more that more things changeEvery time great changes come about in your life - many other parts of your life change. They can't possibly stay the same. That is neither a positive nor a negative statement. It is merely a statement of the obvious (to me). When you were born, big changes took place in your parent's lives. When you graduated and left home for college, many things changed in your lives and in your parent's lives... and so on and so on. Changes such as these are actually good, sometimes hard to adjust to but good. Other changes aren't so good and much harder to adjust to, but we do (eventually). We try hard to adjust to changes in our lives, but we have a tendancy to always look back to the way things were. Thank God for our memory - what would we do without a memory?
Things in your life can, do and will change. Have Faith that the changes in your life come from God's Plan. Look back on your memories before the changes took place....but don't forget to look forward to the rest of the changes to come.
i think of change like this:
you are ALWAYS finding different variations of loose change around, right? so, in essence you are always willing to pickup that change, so why not do the same with your mind, body, and/or soul?
i think you hit the nail on the head, lesness! lol mook
very insightful.
and to you as well, mook.
i think that change comes always when things begin to get settled. change comes to shake things up. but ONLY when we are prepared for it (whether we realize it or not). so i do agree that we will adapt to change, eventually.
thought provoking. thanks.
Love the post. keep em' coming!
Those to rigid to accept change tend to break. As you noted change is a part of life. Your faith is a strong influencer on how you handle change that may not be what you were asking for or expecting.
From a "newbee" to this blogging thing.......Bert
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