Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Doves and Nests

Have you ever really watched birds build a nest? I got that chance the other day on my walk from my car to my work. I had to stop and watch this pair of doves building their nest. Dove are those kind of birds that are monogamous and believe me, this pair had been together for a while - I could tell.

The dad was trying so very hard to bring the mom some great nesting material. She, I do believe, was already "with child" or just cranky because everything he brought her just wasn't suitable. He would find the best piece of something, fly it up to her, she would take a look at it and then just turn her head and snub the precious piece he brought her.

I watched this interaction for several of what I thought were very choice pieces of nest material until flew down to the sidewalk I was standing on. He started walking down the sidewalk, walking and walking down the sidewalk, turned the corner and I never saw him again. Hmmm, I am sure he eventually came back, but where did he go and what was he thinking. He had to be thinking something like..."there is just no pleasing that woman, I'll just show her..."

I love nature and I think there is so much out there for us to take in and wonder about. It is overwhelming to think that God made such a variety of living things. It is fun to ponder them and really be awed by them.

It won't take long, I am sure to find another wonderful nature thing to wonder about.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I see it's been way too too long. I have been inspired by one of my little ones to start an interesting series....I have always wanted to comment on the little things around me that fascinate me in such unusual ways. Things that we don't normally notice because we are all too busy to see every little nuance in life. It's all these things in my series that make us truly understand that we are so small in the big scheme of things and that if we don't stop and enjoy, laugh, wonder, and be amazed we will miss out on so much.....

1. Crows and Sonic
I have noticed that the common crow is not a wild animal anymore. I am fascinated to see crows at all the fast food places, parking lots, and anywhere people are eating. These creatures have learned that it is much easier to eat at Sonic than to search the wild for worms and insects. Why they even are able to snitch a forgotten french fry out of the tossed out bag. They are not shy about it either, they will come right up to your window and ask for a handout. Soon they will have little signs that say "will work for food"....don't fall for it!

Next post.....Doves and Nests